CAD design
Engineering Division
Engineering Division
CAD design
Man Evotech develops and offers its internal skills for complete projects in various fields, from Automotive to Oil & Gas , passing through products of industrial design and sustainable mobility . It manages all the design phases, from feasibility to industrialization for small or large series: both turnkey projects (in the body), and final balance for progress.
The operating sites have different areas for each project, in order to preserve the security of customer data.
The team is trained on current design needs, identifying and managing our best technical profiles from case to case.
Resources and Benefits of Parametric Design
The CAD design is performed by a team with specific experience in the various sectors, trained on the most widely used software in the Automotive, Mechanical and Industrial fields, such as Dassault Catia V5, PTC CREO, UGS NX, Dassault Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Autocad 3D and ESAIN , with a direct supervision (Project Supervisors).
The main benefits of adopting multiple CAD systems in its various possible configurations can be summed up with the following points:
- Parametric modeling : release of a project in the native format and totally editable by the client without any need for additional support.
- Time to market (TTM) : objective reduction of the time it takes, for any type of product, from the idea until it is available. This factor is obviously important, as an index of the competitiveness of a company in order to place its product on the market.
- Cost reduction : this need is closely linked to the TTM and the ability to make quick changes to the project, as cost reduction is linked to less time wasted during design due to mistakes or unforeseen events or due to data communication between cooperating companies..